Francis Horne, Sr.
Xét'kw'els (carving)
Shxwqáqelets' (spindle whorl)
Location: University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford Campus
(between buildings A & B)
Khut Whee Mul Uhk is of Lummi, Washington, and Tsawout, Vancouver Island heritage. He is a world-renowned, self-taught, Coast Salish master carver whose thought-provoking style is represented in masks of distinction, traditional totem poles, and metalwork. Khut Whee Mul Uhk’sartwork may be found in galleries, and corporate and private collections globally.
This spindle whorl is a cast of Khut Whee Mul Uhk’s original carving. About his work, Khut Whee Mul Uhk says, “I get a lot of inspiration from the water. In our culture, the salmon are the guardians of the rivers. This design represents the circle of life, with the two salmon and the eggs, and the plight of the salmon. Our people refer to our lives in comparison to the salmon, and how we’ve overcome so many obstacles to get where we’re going.”